Frequently Asked Questions
What is the average nightly price for a holiday rental in Isle of Portland?
The nightly price in Isle of Portland is £53 on average. The average rate for renting a house rentals is £225 per night. Cottage costs around £211 per night.
How many accommodation are available to rent in Isle of Portland?
There are currently 386 holiday rentals from 13 providers on offer in Isle of Portland.
What is the most popular holiday apartment amenity in Isle of Portland?
Travellers planning trips to Isle of Portland usually search for Pets allowed, Parking, and Internet when it comes to holiday home amenities.
How many holiday rentals with a pool there are on offer in Isle of Portland?
Holiday apartments with pools are 8 of all offers in Isle of Portland for an average price of £447 per night.
May i bring my pet while staying in aholiday apartment in Isle of Portland?
Dogs are welcome in Isle of Portland which is home to 126 pet-friendly holiday lettings.
Where can I see discounts on holiday lettings in Isle of Portland?
You can get brilliant bargains on holiday rentals in Isle of Portland with the nightly price of accommodation beginning at £53 - and HomeToGo has created a range of features that mean it's quick and simple to uncover the best deals. When choosing the dates for your break, try a search using HomeToGo's flexible dates technology to quickly locate lower cost date options and get savings of as much as 59%. Additionally, HomeToGo's 'distance from' filter can help you locate hidden gem holiday homes in great value, under-the-radar spots which are still near to the area of your choice, whether that's sand and sea, a mountain for snowboarding, or a city's urban hub. Book early to get the best of good availability and low prices - and do so free from stress by using HomeToGo's 'free cancellation' filter when using the website or app.
What are the advantages of choosing a holiday rental in Isle of Portland with HomeToGo?
From serenity away from the crowds to plenty of room to enjoy with your travel companions, holiday lettings in Isle of Portland bring a variety of benefits. HomeToGo shows you real reviews written by previous guests, and searching is safe, simple, and stress-free - so with 386 lets from 13 providers in the region, you're sure to discover the right place to stay with all of the amenities to suit you in Isle of Portland.