Price and Availability Index for Northamptonshire
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Holiday Letting Price Information in Northamptonshire
The graph shows the average holiday letting prices for the next twelve months in Northamptonshire. Prices rise in June and reach an average of £236 a night (28/06 – 05/07), making it the most expensive time to book a rental during the year ahead. On average, the most interesting prices are in one week in December (06/12 – 13/12), when the average price is only £139 per night.
Rental availability information in Northamptonshire
Find out the percentage of available rentals & cottages in Northamptonshire with the graph above. Be careful if you plan to go to Northamptonshire in November, as it is the busiest week of the next 6 months (22/11 – 29/11). Conversely, it is in March (08/03 – 15/03) that the highest percentage of rentals are available.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a common price per night for a holiday home in Northamptonshire?
The average price per night in Northamptonshire is around £41. The average rate for renting a cottage is £213 per night. House rentals will cost £253 per night on average.
How many holiday homes are available to rent in Northamptonshire?
Low season in Northamptonshire is in March, so you'll be able to choose a great deal for House rentals or Cottage for your holiday.
What is the most popular holiday home amenity in Northamptonshire?
When booking a holiday home in Northamptonshire, consider looking for a place with Pets allowed, Pool, or Hot tub, which are the most popular amenities for this destination.
How many holiday lettings in Northamptonshire have a pool?
Holiday homes with pools are 9 of all offers in Northamptonshire.
May i bring my pet while staying in a holiday letting in Northamptonshire?
Pets are welcome in Northamptonshire with 941 pet-friendly holiday homes.
What's the perfect time to travel to Northamptonshire?
Sun lovers should visit Northamptonshire in July and August to enjoy the warmest weather.
Where can I see deals on holiday accommmodation in Northamptonshire?
You can get brilliant bargains on holiday homes in Northamptonshire with prices for a letting beginning at £41 - and HomeToGo has created plenty of filters that mean it's a piece of cake to uncover some outstanding offers. If you don't have set dates for your holiday, make use of HomeToGo's flexible dates technology to scan for great value date options and find savings of up to 35%. Furthermore, HomeToGo's 'distance from' filter enables you to discover hidden gem holiday homes in lower-price, under-the-radar spots with good proximity to the area of your choice, whether that's sand and sea, a mountain for snowboarding, or a city's urban hub. Start your search as soon as possible to get the benefits of the greatest variety of options and top discounts - and do so with confidence by selecting HomeToGo's 'free cancellation' filter when using the website or app.
What are the benefits of booking a holiday rental in Northamptonshire with HomeToGo?
From increased privacy away from the crowds to plenty of room in which to have fun with your loved ones, holiday lettings in Northamptonshire offer a wide range of benefits. HomeToGo surfaces real reviews written by previous guests, and searching is safe, simple, and hassle-free - so with 3,338 deals from 21 providers in the vicinity, you're guaranteed to uncover the ideal holiday home with all of the amenities you need in Northamptonshire.