Frequently Asked Questions
What is the nightly price for a holiday rental in Palm Beach?
The nightly price in Palm Beach is £69 on average. The average cost of apartment rental is £370 per night. Condo will cost £333 per night on average.
How many holiday homes are available to book in Palm Beach?
Currently there are 491 holiday rentals from 10 providers on offer in Palm Beach.
What is the most searched holiday rental amenity in Palm Beach?
The most popular amenities among our customers in Palm Beach are Pool, Internet and Air conditioning.
How many holiday lettings with a pool there are on offer in Palm Beach?
Holiday rentals with pools are 87 of all offers in Palm Beach for an average price of £681 per night.
May i bring my pet while staying in an accommodation in Palm Beach?
Looking for accommodation in Palm Beach for you and your pet is definitely possible with 132 pet-friendly holiday rentals available on HomeToGo.
What is the perfect time to travel to Palm Beach?
August and July are usually the warmest months in Palm Beach, while February and March have less rain.
How do I find deals on holiday lettings in Palm Beach?
You can find great value holiday rentals in Palm Beach with the cost per night for a let beginning at £69 - and HomeToGo has introduced a range of filters that mean it's a piece of cake to locate the top offers. When considering different dates for a trip, you can use HomeToGo's flexible dates technology to scan for great value timings and find savings of as much as 70%. Additionally, HomeToGo's 'distance from' filter makes it easy to see hidden gem holiday homes in great value, lesser-known spots that are just as close to the area of your choice, whether that's sand and sea, a mountain for snowboarding, or a city's urban hub. Start your search as soon as possible to get the best of a wide range of offers and the best deals - and do so without worries by using HomeToGo's 'free cancellation' filter as you look for the perfect holiday home.
What are the benefits of finding a holiday letting in Palm Beach with HomeToGo?
From serenity away from the crowds to plenty of room in which to chill out with your travel companions, holiday lets in Palm Beach have a wide range of advantages. HomeToGo shows you genuine ratings written by previous guests, and searching is secure, simple, and hassle-free - so with 491 rentals from 10 providers in the area, you're guaranteed to locate the ideal place to stay with the amenities and features you need in Palm Beach.